
Song Title: 2021没有秋天 (Méiyǒu qiūtiān)
Singer: 前男友 (Qián nányǒu)
Release Date: 2021-10-20

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

yuán lái 2021 nián shì zhēn de méi yǒu qiū tiān

zhè yī nián guò de huǎng huǎng hū hū jiù xiàng zài dàng qiū qiān

yì qíng ràng hěn duō xiāng ài de rén dū bù néng gòu jiàn miàn

jiǔ wéi de

bù dé bù tíng liú zài jiā rén de shēn biān
不得不停留在 家人的身边

huí xiǎng 19 nián de dōng tiān fǎng fó hái jìn zài yǎn qián

nà nián de xīn nián yuàn wàng mǎi chē mǎi fáng zhuàn yī diǎn qián

tū rú qí lái de biàn gù dǎ pò wǒ men suǒ yǒu huàn xiǎng

shēn biān dào chù dū shì yī gè gè méi xiāo yān de zhàn cháng

bù néng gòu chū mén hǎo huái niàn wài miàn de shì jiè
不能够出门 好怀念 外面的世界

hèn zì jǐ méi yǒu hǎo hǎo shēng huó

huāng fèi nà xiē rì yè

gòng tóng jīng lì guò shēng sǐ ràng wǒ men huó dé míng bái
共同经历过生死 让我们活得明白

yuán lái rén shēng zhǐ yǒu yī cì bìng bù néng gòu zhòng lái
原来人生只有一次 并不能够重来

yǒu shí hòu tīng dào mǒu shǒu gē huì tū rán gǎn dào nán guò

qíng xù dī luò hǎo xiàng shī qù le shén me hěn zhòng yào de

nán fāng de dōng tiān méi yǒu xuě

què yī rán cì gǔ de hán lěng

wǒ de shì jiè lǐ méi le nǐ

yě biàn dé bù zài wán zhěng

nǐ bù zài shēn biān de rì zǐ lǐ

měi tiān dū huì zài xiǎng nǐ

bù zhī dào lìng gè shì jiè de nǐ

yǒu méi yǒu zhào gù hǎo zì jǐ

biàn lěng de bù zhǐ shì zhè tiān qì hái yǒu wǒ de xīn
变冷的不只是这天气 还有我的心

nǐ xǐ huān de gē fàng jìn le gē dān

měi tiān dū yǒu xún huán tīng

cháo shuǐ bān de sī niàn

jiù xiàng chuāng wài cì gǔ de fēng
就像 窗外刺骨的风

yì qíng dài zǒu wǒ de qiū tiān méi néng dài zǒu tā de dōng

māo mī fǎng fó zhī dào le xiē shén me duì zhe mén kǒu jiào

dào le huí jiā shí jiān què tīng bù dào nǐ shú xī de xiào

nǐ qù nǎ le zěn me wàng le huí jiā
你去哪了 怎么忘了回家

wǒ kāi shǐ hòu huǐ dāng chū nà jù huà wèi shén me méi fā

wǒ biàn dé bù xiū biān fú hún hún è è
我变得不修边幅 浑浑噩噩

biàn dé bù xiàng zì jǐ

fǎng fó zhuì rù wú biān shēn yuān

gēn běn méi yǒu bàn fǎ shuì xǐng

English (Machine Translation)

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It turns out that there is really no autumn in 2021
This year’s trance is like swinging on a swing
The epidemic has prevented many people in love from seeing each other
Had to stay with my family
Recalling the winter of 19 years seems to be still near
New Year’s resolution that year, buy a car and buy a house to make a little money
Sudden changes break all our illusions
Everywhere around you are battlefields without gunpowder
I can’t go out so I miss the outside world
Hate myself for not having a good life
Deserted those days and nights
Experienced life and death together, let us live to understand
It turns out that there is only once in life
Sometimes I suddenly feel sad when I hear a certain song
Feeling down seems to have lost something important
There is no snow in winter in the south
But still biting cold
No you in my world
Also become incomplete
In the days when you are not around
Thinking of you every day
I don’t know you in another world
Have you taken care of yourself
It’s not just the weather that’s getting cold, but also my heart
The songs you like are on the playlist
Listen in a loop every day
Tide of thoughts
Like the piercing wind outside the window
The epidemic took away my autumn but failed to take away his winter
The cat seems to know something and barks at the door
When it’s time to go home but I can’t hear your familiar smile
Where did you go? Why did you forget to go home?
I began to regret why I didn’t send that sentence
I have become rough and muddled
Become unlike yourself
As if falling into the boundless abyss
There is no way to wake up

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