说唱听我的2 说唱推荐官CYPHER (Live)

Song Title: 说唱听我的2 说唱推荐官CYPHER
(Shuōchàng tīng wǒ de 2 shuōchàng tuījiàn guān CYPHER)

Singer: 谢帝 Xiè dì/弹壳 Dànké/KEY.L刘聪 Liú cōng/法老Fǎlǎo
Released Date: 2021-10-03

Audio for Pronunciation Practice

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

wǒ yào shuō de huà dōu hǎo zhí jiē

ràng nǐ men dōu xiǎo děi shuō chàng qüán bù dōu tīng wǒ de

wǒ biāo qǐ chāo nǐ like vroom
我飙起超你like vroom

pān wěi bǎi dōu qiǎng bù zǒu wǒ de microphone


wǒ jiāo nǐ piāo nǐ men qüán dōu pái dào hòu tou

ràng nǐ xiǎo de shén me jiào chāo gē

zhè gè bǐ sài lǐ miàn suǒ yǒu jiǎng ràng wǒ bāo

ràng nǐ xiǎo de wǒ shì nǎ gè

téng yüán tuò hǎi In da house
藤原拓海In da house

yóu mén pái qǐ huǒ lái shāo nǐ men mò de gǎo
油门排起火来烧 你们莫得搞

gěi wǒ ná gè 808 lái qiāo

lǎo shì tài dù kuáng de nǎ gè dōu guǎn bù dào

Like bang bang like bow bow

Like grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

wǒ shuài de gē mí tài rè nǐ men kuài pāi

wǒ kuài de xiàng shì kuáng biāo de kē ní sài gé

wǒ xiǎo de nǐ men like this
我晓得你们like this

wú jiě de shuǐ píng jīn zì tǎ wǒ jiù xiàng āi jí

xiǎo dì wá ér dōu xiǎng be swag like me
小弟娃儿都想be swag like me

wǒ de duì shǒu tā men dōu guāi de xiàng tài dí

From nobody to somebody

bù xǖ yào yǎn lèi shì cóng lín fǎ zé

Yeah I got this

shuǐ píng shuǎ de shì

gāo duān de jiù xiàng shì huǒ jiàn fā shè

wǒ de shuǐ píng tā men dōu mò fǎ dá dào

wǒ chōng chū yǚ zhòu xiàng cháng zhēng 8 hào

shuō de kuài qüán dōu bǐ bù shàng huá shǎo

shuō chàng bù guāng shuō de kuài bù guāng huā shào

wǒ shuō hey man
我说hey man

wǒ ràng nǐ lay back
我让你lay back

ràng nǐ men gǎn shòu xià shén me jiào měi gǎn

tái xià de guān zhòng tā men tài zào dòng

ràng wǒ bǎ mài kè fēng dāng chéng le shuǐ guǎn

yíng xià le guàn jǖn wǒ biàn de wěn zhòng

fàng màn le sù dù dǐng jí de maybach

mìng lǐ miàn yǒu jiù yǒu

nǐ men dōu ná zǒu le wǒ de dōng xī

wǒ hǎn nǐ Pay back
我喊你Pay back

kàn nǎ gè měng wǒ on my own
看哪个猛 我on my own

qüán bù dǎ de zhōng No flex zone
全部打的中 No flex zone

No flex zone

No flex zone

No flex zone

No flex zone

tā men tài pǔ tōng chāo pǎo yě dài bù dòng
他们太普通 超跑也带不动

Mai de pāi zi chōng xiōng dì hái shì xiōng
Mai 的拍子冲 兄弟还是凶

yǐ jīng kuài shī kòng

wǒ jìn rù chāo shí kōng No flex zone
我进入超时空 No flex zone

chuī xiǎng le hào jiǎo zhí miàn

tā men cháo xiào zài yóu xì lǐ yes I’m ready
他们嘲笑在游戏里yes I’m ready

bǎo chí zhe gāo diào xiàng chōng mǎn le rán liào

nǐ zhī dào de k9999 wēi lì

nǐ tīng dào yǐn qíng de hōng míng

qüè kàn bù dào zōng yǐng bié zài zì zuò cōng míng

bié zài zì zuò cōng míng

kàn róng yǜ hé jiǎng jīn we get it
看荣誉和奖金we get it

bié wàng xiǎng kě yǐ zài lái hé wǒ duì bǐ

cóng bù tīng tiān yóu mìng king of king
从不听天由命 king of king

zhuàn sù biǎo zài fān bèi lā kāi chā jǜ

zài lù miàn shàng Swimming gāo sù piāo yí
在路面上Swimming 高速飘移

We got the team u know what I mean

wǒ bù xǖ yào yī kào shéi lái gěi wǒ kěn dìng

jiù xiàng sù dù yǚ jī qíng wǒ wú fǎ lěng jìng

bù xiàng nǐ de xì tǒng zǒng shì xǖ yào chóng qǐ

nǐ zài shén me chéng dù

gēn běn wú fǎ cheating on me
根本无法cheating on me

wǒ de zuò jià jǖ rán méi yǒu shā chē qián

jiù lián wǒ de wěi dēng nǐ zěn me yě kàn bù jiàn

měng cǎi yóu mén suí suí biàn biàn chāo nǐ liǎng qüān

dào dá zhōng diǎn zhī hòu zài cì kāi shǐ xīn de mào xiǎn

tā men zài qī dài jiù ràng suǒ yǒu rén dōu yì wài
他们在期待 就让所有人都意外

wēi xiǎn dōu bì kāi jiù xiàng shuō chàng de lā lì sài
危险都避开 就像说唱的拉力赛

kāi dà dī yīn pào hǎo hàn bù dǎng dào ei
开大低音炮 好汉不挡道 ei

gē men jì xǜ zào shān lù jì xǜ rào ei
哥们继续燥 山路继续绕 ei

Riding slow

hé homie zài shān dǐng dōu fēng
和homie 在山顶兜风

mā mā shuō nǐ shī bài le nà jiù Go home
妈妈说 你失败了那就Go home

ér chéng gōng fú qǜ wǒ ěr biān de yōu chóu
而成功 拂去我耳边的忧愁

KEY.L rú huò bì bān liú tōng
KEY.L 如货币般流通


KEY.L lái lo

lín shí bào fó jiǎo de rapper kuài diǎn duǒ hǎo
临时抱佛脚的rapper 快点躲好

Fake rapper bǎ mén chuāng fǎn suǒ hǎo
Fake rapper 把门窗反锁好

shí nián jiàn wǒ mó hǎo woo
十年剑我磨好 woo

ràng hiphop biàn chéng guī bǎo
让hiphop 变成瑰宝

ér nǐ chóng yáng mèi wài guì bài de

wài guó rapper tā men yě dōu hěn pǔ tōng
外国rapper 他们也都很普通

nǐ ná gēn yá qiān jiù dāng zì jǐ sūn wù kōng

qī bù chéng shī jiù mìng shì freestyle de zhēn zǔ zōng
七步成诗救命是freestyle 的真祖宗

nǐ bié méi gǔ qì de yáng méi tǔ qì

bǎ wǒ de róng yào dài huí CSC

yǐn dǎo zhōng wén shuō chàng zuò wéi zhǔ lì

yüè lù qǖ chē shén kāi amg

bù shì gù yì de yǐn qǐ tā men zhù yì

chāo guò nǐ bù shì wǒ de mù dì

nǐ bié dù jì de shuō wǒ cool

kǒu bēi zài jiē tóu shù lì

jiào wǒ Hood KEY
叫我Hood KEY

xiàng shì dī shì sù dì wu
像是的士速递 wu

lǎn de huí yìng nǐ
懒得 回应你

gēn nǐ bǐ méi xìng qǜ
跟你比 没兴趣

zhè yóu xì yī zǒu qǐ

jiù yǐ jīng dào le nǐ de wěi shēng

méi shí lì de rapper KEY.L bù gěi fēn
没实力的rapper KEY.L不给分

zhè lǐ shuǐ shēn

Boy jiù suàn wǒ kāi 07 nián tíng chǎn de zhōng huá
Boy 就算我开07年停产的中华

nǐ dōu kàn bù dào wǒ wěi dēng

Like AE86

nǐ zhǐ néng huí yì My flow
你只能回忆My flow

měi gè rén dōu zhī dào tè luò yī de gù shì

yán xǜ shù shí shì jì

wǒ men bào tuán mù mǎ chū jī

dǎo zhì tā men dōu zài dù jì

zhǐ néng duǒ zài jiā lǐ kū qì

zuò shàng pò cì yüán de liè chē

nǐ men zhǐ néng chī zhe wěi qì

wǒ zài lù shàng kuáng biāo

shǐ zhōng yǚ nǐ duì lì

wǒ yòng zhī shí chǎn qüán jiě kě

yüán chuàng bù zài nǐ de lǚ lì

dōu méi nǐ de huí yì woo
都没你的回忆 woo

shēng ér wú dí

jüé dìng mù dì cóng bù hú yí

guò le yán lì kāi huǒ de nián jì woo

wǒ shì chuán qí cóng bù huàn qì
我是传奇 从不换气

Woken Day huì zuān chū tián dì
Woken Day会钻出田地

ràng nǐ jiā yüán lǐ tián mì woo

xīn bǎn běn de qián xī

ǒu xiàng bù gāi zhǐ huì gǎo diǎn yán yì

nǐ de gē cí xiàng bǎ wài yǚ shuō chàng jiǎn yì

tè bié jiān dìng

wú jǜ píng jià wú shí wú kè

dōu zài cháo zhe bàn zòu dǎ qüán jī woo
都在朝着伴奏打拳击 woo

jiù suàn nǐ bǎi píng wǒ
就算你 摆平我

xiǎo xīn wǒ fān shēn hòu zài yíng guò
小心我 翻身后再赢过

jiù xiàng dí jiā mǎn zài xīn huǒ

nǐ shì nǎ zhī guài shòu wǒ méi tīng shuō guò

kāi qǐ lì liàng xíng tài bǎ nǐ huó zhuō

wǒ de èr tóu wān jǚ kě yǐ tái qǐ luò tuó

céng jīng luò pò

dàn wǒ cí huì liàng hěn kuò chuò woo
但我词汇量很阔绰 woo

cháo zhe mài kè tuò mò

yǒu wǒ shuō chàng yǒng yüǎn bù huì mò luò

nǐ gāi zhòng xüé b p m f
你该重学b p m f

zuò zài chē lǐ ā fú zhǎng duò gē tán shì de jiù xīng
坐在车里阿福掌舵 哥谭市的救星

jī huǐ dǎng fēng bō lí biān fú xiá gěi xiǎo chǒu zhǎng guāi
击毁挡风玻璃 蝙蝠侠给小丑掌掴

yǒng bù tuì xiū dàn wǒ zài zhǎo luó bīn
永不退休 但我在找罗宾

xíng xiá zhàng yì míng shēng chuán dào huǒ xīng
行侠仗义 名声传到火星

xiàn zài huàn wǒ jiǎng pò

gěi nǐ men mài kè fēng yòng shí lì shuō huà

kě shì bié lái xǖ de

rú guǒ jí gé wǒ jiù zhǎn shì bàn chéng shuǐ píng
如果及格 我就展示半成水平

tā men bī de

wān dào chāo chē dǎ pò guī zé
弯道超车 打破规则

pái qì kǒu pēn huǒ huā dàn shēng yī gē
排气口喷火花 诞生一哥

bǎ nǐ men diū jìn bā jiǎo lóng lǐ

wǒ men dōu bù xiǎng kàn jiàn ruò zhě luò dì chéng hé

zhè gè qüān zi yīng gāi tí shēng mén kǎn

ér bù shì ràng cài niǎo chēng zhe

shuō chàng gāi tīng de

wǒ shuō zhēn de

wǒ yòng 27 zhǒng flow

zhāo dài nǐ men bù néng zài děng bàn kè

xiàng bǎ fù chóu zhě lián méng gěi jí hé

bù shì wèi le fù chóu

shì wéi zhì qǜ xiāng tóu qì hé

shǒu hù Hip-Hop cǎi zhe lí hé
守护Hip-Hop 踩着离合

chuàng zào zuì jiān gù de jī chē

zhōng guó rapper zǒu xiàng shì jiè

huáng pí fū shì dǐ sè

dài nǐ men shǐ guò yán hán

huǒ shāo liàn chuán

hēi àn qí shì yào bǎ shuō chàng qüān zi xiān fān

nǐ wǒ jiān káng qiān fān
你我肩扛 千帆

ruò zhě jǚ bù dòng de biǎn dàn

chuán dì Hip-hop huǒ zhǒng
传递Hip-hop 火种

yī qǐ xiě gè qián zhuàn

qüán bù dǐng mǎn xīn de piān zhāng qüán bù dǎ kāi

bù yào jiǎ bù yào bǎ wāi de huò ná lái sǎ

Real rap wǒ men drop that
Real rap我们drop that

Fake wǒ men cut that
Fake 我们cut that

We on the top

kàn nǐ men néng dào nǎ guān

nǐ de shuǐ píng bì xǖ néng gòu dá biāo

wǒ men cóng bù xiāng xìn yǎn lèi bāo kuò nǐ de sā jiāo

tōu lǎn shuǎ huá tōng tōng gěi wǒ dǎ xiāo

wàng diào nà xiē huā zhāo

kuài diǎn shōu le nǐ de jiǎ xiào

Woo tán shè qǐ bù
Woo 弹射起步

shì nǐ wú fǎ dǐ chù

de Hip-hop zhōng liú dǐ zhù

bì xǖ dǐng zhù wǒ gē cí nǐ dāng yǜ lù
必须顶住 我歌词你当预录

KEY.L shì shuō chàng tīng wǒ de gěi nǐ de lǐ wù

What’s up boy

English (Machine Translation)

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What I want to say is so direct
Let you all know that all rap and singing listen to me
I’m soaring to super you like vroom
Wilber Pan can’t even steal my microphone
I teach you to float, you all line up to the back
Let you know what is super brother
Let me pack all the prizes in this competition
Let you know who i am
Fujiwara Takukai In da house
The throttle is on fire, you don’t have to do it
Give me an 808 to knock
I’m always crazy and can’t control anything
Like bang bang like bow bow
Like grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I’m so handsome that the fans are too hot
I’m like a mad Koenigsegg
I know you like this
Unsolvable horizontal pyramid I am like Egypt
I want to be swag like me
My opponents are as good as Teddy
From nobody to somebody
No need for tears is the law of the jungle
Yeah I got this
Level jokes
High-end is like a rocket launch
They can’t reach my level
I rushed out of the universe like Long March 8
It’s not as fast as that of China
Rap is not only fast, not just fancy
I say hey man
I let you lay back
Let you feel what beauty is
The audience in the audience was too restless
Let me use the microphone as a water pipe
I became more stable after winning the championship
Slowed down the top maybach
There is in fate
You all took my things
I call you Pay back
See which fierce I am on my own
All hits No flex zone
No flex zone
No flex zone
They are too ordinary and can’t carry supercars
Mai’s beat is strong, brothers are still fierce
Already out of control
I’m in a super time no flex zone
Blow the horn and face
They laughed at yes I’m ready in the game
Keep a high profile like full of fuel
You know the power of k9999
You hear the roar of the engine
But don’t see the trace, don’t be smart anymore
Stop being smart
See honors and bonuses we get it
Don’t think you can compare with me again
Never resignation king of king
The tachometer is doubling and widening the gap
Swimming high-speed drift on the road
We got the team u know what I mean
I don’t need to rely on anyone to give me affirmation
Like speed and passion, i can’t calm down
Unlike your system that always needs to be restarted
What degree are you
Can’t cheating on me at all
My car has no brake calipers
You can’t even see my taillight
Slam on the accelerator and overtake you by two laps
After reaching the end, start a new adventure again
They were expecting it and surprised everyone
Avoid danger, like a rally of rap
Turn on the big subwoofer, the hero does not stand in the way ei
Buddies continue to be dry, the mountain road continues to detour ei
Riding slow
Driving with homie on the top of the mountain
Mom said if you fail, then go home
And success wiped out the sorrow in my ears
KEY.L circulates like currency
KEY.L is coming
Hurry up and hide the rapper
Fake rapper lock the doors and windows
I sharpen my sword in ten years woo
Make hiphop a gem
And you kneel down and worship
Foreign rappers are also very common
You take a toothpick and treat yourself as Monkey King
Seven steps into a poem to save lives is the true ancestor of freestyle
Don’t be so stubborn
Bring my glory back to CSC
Guide Chinese rap as the main force
Yuelu District Cheshen Drives AMG
Not deliberately attracting their attention
It’s not my purpose to exceed you
Don’t be jealous and call me cool
Word of mouth is established on the street
Call me Hood KEY
Like a taxi wu
Too lazy to respond to you
Not interested in comparing with you
As soon as this game is gone
It’s your end
No score for rapper without strength KEY.L
Water depth here
Boy, even if I drive the Zhonghua, which was discontinued in 2007,
You can’t even see my taillight
Like AE86
You can only remember My flow
Everyone knows the story of Troy
For decades
We hold a group of Trojans to attack
Causing them to be jealous
I can only hide at home and cry
Get on the dimensional train
You can only eat exhaust
I’m mad on the road
Always against you
I use intellectual property to quench my thirst
The original is not in your resume
I don’t have any memories of you woo
Born invincible
Never doubt the purpose of deciding
After the age of severe fire woo
I’m a legend, never change my breath
Woken Day will drill out of the field
Make your home sweet woo
On the eve of the new version
Idols shouldn’t only engage in Yanyi
Your lyrics are like a simplified translation of foreign language rap
Very firm
Fearless evaluation all the time
Are all boxing to the accompaniment woo
Even if you settle me
Be careful with me, win after turning over
It’s like Tiga full of salaries
Which monster are you i haven’t heard of
Open the power form to capture you alive
My second curl can lift the camel
Once down
But my vocabulary is very generous woo
Towards Mike Spit
Rap will never go down with me
You should relearn b p m f
Sitting in the car, Ah Fu at the helm, the savior of Gotham City
Smash the windshield, Batman slaps the Joker
Never retire but i’m looking for Robin
The fame spread to Mars
Now let me talk about broken
Give you a microphone to speak with strength
But don’t come to boo
If I pass, I will show half-level
They forced
Overtaking in a curve, breaking the rules
Sparks from the exhaust port give birth to a brother
Throw you into the octagonal cage
We don’t want to see the weak fall into boxes
This circle should raise the threshold
Instead of letting the rookie hold it
I mean it
I use 27 kinds of flows
I can’t wait for a while to entertain you
Like bringing the Avengers to the assembly
Not for revenge
It’s for a like-minded fit
Guarding Hip-Hop, stepping on the clutch
Create the strongest locomotive
Chinese rapper goes to the world
Yellow skin is the undertone
Drive you through the cold
Burning Chain Boat
The dark knight is going to overturn the rap circle
You and I carry Qianfan
A pole that the weak can’t lift
Pass Hip-hop Tinder
Write a prequel together
Full of all new chapters open all
Don’t fake it, don’t scatter crooked goods
Real rap us drop that
Fake we cut that
We on the top
See where you can reach
You must be able to meet the standard
We never believe that tears include your acting like a baby
I’m so lazy and slippery to get rid of it
Forget those tricks
Hurry up and accept your fake smile
Woo catapult start
You can’t resist
Mainstay of Hip-hop
I have to stand up to my lyrics, you should be pre-recorded
KEY.L is rap, listen to my gift for you
What’s up boy

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