
Song Title: 等风吹散人海 (Děng fēng chuī sànrén hǎi)
Singer: 王忻辰 (Wáng xīn chén) /葛里 (Gé lǐ)
Released Date: 2021-10-15

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

děng fēng chuī sàn le rén hǎi
等风吹 散了人海

liú wǒ yuán dì pái huái
留我 原地徘徊

fēng bǎ yún guī hái yīn mái
风把云 归还阴霾

bǎ nǐ hái gěi páng bái
把你 还给旁白

wǒ shǒu zhe jì yì cán hái
我守着 记忆残骸

děng zhe shí jiān kāng kǎi
等着 时间慷慨

nǐ yǐ jīng bù huì huí lái
你已经 不会回来

wǒ yě bù gāi qī dài
我也 不该期待

mèng bù néng ràng wǒ biàn dé gèng fù yǒu
梦不能 让我变得 更富有

fǎn ér ràng huí yì chèn xū ér rù tōu zǒu
反而让 回忆趁虚 而入 偷走

wǒ wèi shù bù duō jiān qiáng de lǐ yóu
我为数 不多坚强 的理由

shì nǐ shuō xià gè lù kǒu hái néng wèn hòu
是你说 下个路口 还能 问候

jiù bù néng děng wǒ zǎn gòu le nán shòu
就不能 等我攒够 了难受

děng dào bǎ ài hèn gū dú kàn guò kàn tòu
等到把 爱恨孤独 看过 看透

nǐ zài lái zhān jù yǎn lèi de chū kǒu
你再来 占据眼泪 的出口

jiù néng gòu yī qǐ fàng shǒu yī qǐ tuì hòu
就能够 一起放手 一起 退后

bù gǎn yǒu shē qiú de zhàn dǒu
不敢有 奢求 的颤抖

shì cóng nǐ zǒu yǐ hòu
是从 你走 以后

shī qù le yán sè de yǎn móu
失去了 颜色 的眼眸

qiān jiù shí jiān niàn jiù
迁就 时间 念旧

děng fēng chuī sàn le rén hǎi
等风吹 散了人海

liú wǒ yuán dì pái huái
留我 原地徘徊

fēng bǎ yún guī hái yīn mái
风把云 归还阴霾

bǎ nǐ hái gěi páng bái
把你 还给旁白

wǒ shǒu zhe jì yì cán hái
我守着 记忆残骸

děng zhe shí jiān kāng kǎi
等着 时间慷慨

nǐ yǐ jīng bù huì huí lái
你已经 不会回来

wǒ yě bù gāi qī dài
我也 不该期待

qí shí zài nǐ lí kāi le

hěn jiǔ hěn jiǔ hěn jiǔ de yǐ hòu

wǒ men de gù shì cái kāi shǐ

màn màn biàn dé hěn jiù hěn jiù

jiù dào méi rén zài hū wǒ de gǎn shòu

jiǔ dào méi rén néng dǒng wǒ de nán shòu

jiǔ dào lián zuò mèng de shí hòu

dū shì shén sè cōng cōng de xiè hòu

jì yì lǐ de shā lòu shú xī de lù kǒu

wǒ men céng jīng shǒu qiān shǒu yuē dìng guò de yǐ hòu

dū yǐ jīng qiǎo qiǎo liū zǒu

kě xī cuò guò de shí guāng cōng cōng

wú fǎ dào liú tuì hòu

fǒu zé wǒ zěn me huì shè dé fàng nǐ zǒu

děng fēng chuī sàn le rén hǎi
等风吹 散了人海

liú wǒ yuán dì pái huái
留我 原地徘徊

fēng bǎ yún guī hái yīn mái
风把云 归还阴霾

bǎ nǐ hái gěi páng bái
把你 还给旁白

wǒ shǒu zhe jì yì cán hái
我守着 记忆残骸

děng zhe shí jiān kāng kǎi
等着 时间慷慨

nǐ yǐ jīng bù huì huí lái
你已经 不会回来

wǒ yě bù gāi qī dài
我也 不该期待

English (Machine Translation)

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Waiting for the wind to blow away the crowd
Leave me wandering in place
The wind returns the cloud to the haze
Give you back to the narrator
I’m guarding the wreckage of memory
Waiting time generous
You already won’t come back
I shouldn’t expect
Dreams can’t make me richer
Instead, let the memories come in and steal away
I’m one of the few reasons to be strong
You said that you can still greet you at the next intersection
I can’t wait for me to save enough, it’s uncomfortable
Wait till I have seen love, hate and loneliness
Come again, take the tears
Then we can let go together and step back together
Don’t dare to tremble with extravagant expectations
After you left
Eyes that have lost their color
Accommodate to time
Waiting for the wind to blow away the crowd
Leave me wandering in place
The wind returns the cloud to the haze
Give you back to the narrator
I’m guarding the wreckage of memory
Waiting time generous
You already won’t come back
I shouldn’t expect
Actually you left
Long long long after
Our story has just begun
Slowly become very old and very old
So old that no one cares how i feel
It’s been so long that no one can understand my discomfort
Long enough to even dream
Are all hurried encounters
The hourglass in the memory, the familiar intersection
After we held hands and agreed
Have slipped away quietly
It’s a pity that the missed time is in a hurry
Can’t go back
Otherwise why would I be willing to let you go
Waiting for the wind to blow away the crowd
Leave me wandering in place
The wind returns the cloud to the haze
Give you back to the narrator
I’m guarding the wreckage of memory
Waiting time generous
You already won’t come back
I shouldn’t expect

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