
Song Title: 归途有风 (Guītú yǒu fēng)
(Windy on the way home)
Singer: 王菲 (Wáng fēi) Faye Wong
Release Date: 2022-09-28

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

yào chuān guò nà shì jiān de huǒ
要 穿过那 世间的火

yào cháng guò yī shēng zhì rè de mò
要 尝过一生 炙热的默

yǒu duō shǎo bù dé yǐ lái bù jí hái liú làng zài mèng lǐ
有多少 不得已 来不及 还流浪在梦里

cái kě míng bái wèi hé ér lái
才可明白 为何而来

yào fàng kāi guò wù fàng de shǒu
要 放开过 勿放的手

yào qiān shān wàn shuǐ dǒng de lèi liú
要 千山万水 懂得泪流

yào fēng qǐ yào bié lí yào wàn lǐ yào guī qī bù yóu nǐ
要风起 要别离 要万里 要归期不由你

cái kě míng bái wèi hé huí tóu
才可明白 为何回头

shuí zài huàn wǒ

huàn wǒ de míng zì wǒ de yuǎn zǒu
唤我的名字 我的远走

wǒ méi shuō de ài yǔ qiàn jiù
我没说的 爱与歉疚

qǐng ràng fēng shēng dài wǒ huí jiā
请让风声 带我回家

ràng tā gào sù wǒ

jué zé duō nán dōu yǐ zuò guò
抉择多难 都已做过

bù wèn dé shī wú huǐ duì cuò
不问得失 无悔对错

ràng yuè guāng dài wǒ huí jiā
让月光 带我回家

ràng lái lù dài wǒ huí jiā ba guī tú zhōng
让来路 带我回家吧 归途中

bié shuì yào zǒu xiàng gōu huǒ mǎn shēn fēng shā de rén nà
别睡 要走向篝火 满身风沙的人呐

bǎ xíng náng dōu shāo le ài jǐn xū kōng zhe liǎng shǒu
把行囊 都烧了 爱仅需空着两手

bié tuì yào zǒu xiàng cuì ruò tīng jiàn kū shēng de rén nà
别退 要走向脆弱 听见哭声的人呐

mén bèi hòu shì shuí ne yōng bào zhe nǐ de è mèng
门背后 是谁呢 拥抱着 你的噩梦


lí kāi de huì chóng féng
离开的 会重逢

shuí zài huàn wǒ

huàn wǒ de míng zì wǒ de yuǎn zǒu
唤我的名字 我的远走

wǒ méi shuō de ài yǔ qiàn jiù
我没说的 爱与歉疚

yī shēng shēng dài wǒ huí jiā
一声声 带我回家

jì de gào sù wǒ

gāi wǒ fù de yuē dōu yǐ fù guò
该我赴的约 都已赴过

bù wèn dé shī wú huǐ duì cuò
不问得失 无悔对错

ràng yuè guāng dài wǒ huí jiā qiān zhe wǒ de shǒu
让月光 带我回家 牵着我的手

ràng lái lù dài wǒ huí lái ba guī tú shàng zǒng yǒu fēng
让来路 带我回来吧 归途上 总有风

lèi yǔ lèi chóng féng

wéi yǒu ài zhèng míng huó zhe

sì yuè yàn zi yòu fēi guò xià yè huì fù huó chán míng
四月 燕子又飞过 夏夜会复活蝉鸣

guī lái ba guī lái ba bù guǎn nǐ shī qù shén me
归来吧 归来吧 不管你失去什么

dōng tiān shēng qǐ le yān huǒ jiù yuán liàng dà xuě hán bīng
冬天 升起了烟火 就原谅大雪寒冰

guī lái ba guī lái ba cóng huāng mò lǐ bēn xiàng wǒ
归来吧 归来吧 从荒漠 里奔向我


guī tú shàng zǒng yǒu fēng
归途上 总有风

tīng jiàn le ma yào zǒu xiàng gōu huǒ
听见了吗 要走向篝火

bié shuì zháo le zhè bú shì jìn tóu
别睡着了 这不是尽头

English (Machine Translation)

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To go through the fire of the world
To taste the hot silence of a lifetime
How many have to, too late, still wandering in the dream
to understand why
To let go, never let go
To know how to cry
It’s up to you if you want the wind to rise, parting, and thousands of miles away
Only then can I understand why I turned back
who is calling me
call my name my go away
I didn’t say love and guilt
Please let the wind take me home
let it tell me
No matter how difficult the choice is, I have already made it
No question of gain or loss, no regrets, right or wrong
let the moonlight take me home
Let the way come, take me home, on the way home
Don’t sleep, go to the bonfire, people covered in sand
Burning all the luggage, love only needs to be empty-handed
Don’t back down, go to the vulnerable, whoever hears the cry
Who is behind the door, hugging your nightmare
Those who leave will meet again
who is calling me
call my name my go away
I didn’t say love and guilt
take me home
remember to tell me
I have already gone to the appointments that I should go to
No question of gain or loss, no regrets, right or wrong
Let the moonlight take me home and hold my hand
Let the way come, take me back, there is always wind on the way home
Tears meet tears
Only love proves alive
In April, the swallows fly over again, and the cicadas will revive on summer nights
Come back, come back, whatever you lost
In winter, when fireworks rise, forgive the snow and ice
Come back, come back, run to me from the desert
There is always wind on the way home
Do you hear me going to the bonfire?
don’t fall asleep this is not the end

Movie Trailer

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