
Song Title: 玫瑰少年 (Méiguī shàonián)
(rose boy)
Singer: 王靖雯 (Wáng jìngwén)
Release Date: 2022-09-30

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

nǎ duǒ méi guī méi yǒu jīng jí

zuì hǎo de bào fù shì měi lì
最好的 报复是 美丽

zuì měi de shèng kāi shì fǎn jī
最美的 盛开是 反击

bié ràng shuí qù gǎi biàn le nǐ
别让谁去 改变了你

nǐ shì nǐ huò shì nǐ dōu xíng
你是你 或是妳 都行

huì yǒu rén quán xīn de ài nǐ
会有人 全心的 爱你

shuí bǎ shéi de líng hún zhuāng jìn shéi de shēn tǐ
谁把谁的灵魂 装进谁的身体

shuí bǎ shéi de shēn tǐ biàn chéng líng yǔ qiú jìn zì jǐ
谁把谁的身体 变成囹圄囚禁自己

luàn shì zǒng shì zuì bù quē ěr yǔ
乱世总是最 不缺耳语

nǎ zhǒng měi lì huì huàn lái dù jì
哪种美丽会 换来妒忌

nǐ bìng méi yǒu zuì yǒu zuì shì zhè shì jiè
你并没有罪 有罪是这世界

shēng ér wéi rén wú zuì nǐ bù xū yào bào qiàn
生而为人无罪 你不需要抱歉

One day I will be you baby boy and you gon’be me

xuān huá rú guǒ bù tíng ràng wǒ péi nǐ ān jìng
喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静

I wish I could hug you till you’re really really being free

nǎ duǒ méi guī méi yǒu jīng jí

zuì hǎo de bào fù shì měi lì
最好的 报复是 美丽

zuì měi de shèng kāi shì fǎn jī
最美的 盛开是 反击

bié ràng shuí qù gǎi biàn le nǐ
别让谁去 改变了你

nǐ shì nǐ huò shì nǐ dōu xíng
你是你 或是妳 都行

huì yǒu rén quán xīn de ài nǐ
会有人 全心的 爱你

shì zhuó xiǎng xiàng you switched to his body
试着想象 you switched to his body

Sexuality dāng xīn shén me huì shāng nǐ
Sexuality 当心什么会伤你

duō shǎo cì de zhòng shāng duō shǎo cì de lěng yǔ
多少次的重伤 多少次的冷语

Drowning shuí huì lā nǐ
Drowning 谁会拉你

Dreaming shuí huì péi nǐ
Dreaming 谁会陪你

Same **** happens every day

nǐ lí kāi hòu shì jiè kě gǎi biàn
你离开后 世界可改变

duō shǎo wú zhī zuì qiān shì guò bù jìng qiān
多少无知罪愆 事过不境迁

yǒng zhì bù wàng jì niàn wǎng shì bù rú yān
永志不忘纪念 往事不如烟

shēng ér wéi rén wú zuì nǐ bù xū yào bào qiàn
生而为人无罪 你不需要抱歉

One day I will be you baby boy and you gon’be me

xuān huá rú guǒ bù tíng ràng wǒ péi nǐ ān jìng
喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静

I wish I could hug you till you’re really really being free

nǎ duǒ méi guī méi yǒu jīng jí

zuì hǎo de bào fù shì měi lì
最好的 报复是 美丽

zuì měi de shèng kāi shì fǎn jī
最美的 盛开是 反击

bié ràng shuí qù gǎi biàn le nǐ
别让谁去 改变了你

nǐ shì nǐ huò shì nǐ dōu xíng
你是你 或是妳 都行

huì yǒu rén quán xīn de ài nǐ
会有人 全心的 爱你

méi guī shào nián zài wǒ xīn lǐ
玫瑰少年 在我心里

zhàn fàng zhe xiān yàn de chuán qí
绽放着 鲜艳的 传奇

wǒ men dōu cóng lái méi wàng jì
我们都 从来没 忘记

nǐ de kòng sù méi yǒu shēng yīn
你的控诉 没有声音

què qīng sù gèng duō de zhēn lǐ
却倾诉 更多的 真理

què huàn xǐng wú shù de zhēn xīn
却唤醒 无数的 真心

nǎ duǒ méi guī méi yǒu jīng jí

zuì hǎo de bào fù shì měi lì
最好的 报复是 美丽

zuì měi de shèng kāi shì fǎn jī
最美的 盛开是 反击

bié ràng shuí qù gǎi biàn le nǐ
别让谁去 改变了你

nǐ shì nǐ huò shì nǐ dōu xíng
你是你 或是妳 都行

huì yǒu rén quán xīn de ài nǐ
会有人 全心的 爱你

English (Machine Translation)

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which rose has no thorns
best revenge is beautiful
The most beautiful bloom is to fight back
Don’t let anyone change you
You are you or you are fine
someone will love you wholeheartedly
Who put whose soul into whose body
Who turned whose body into a prison and imprisoned himself
Troubled times always have the most whispers
What kind of beauty can be exchanged for jealousy
You are not guilty, the world is guilty
Born innocent, you don’t need to be sorry
One day I will be you baby boy and you gon’be me
If the noise doesn’t stop, let me accompany you to be quiet
I wish I could hug you till you’re really really being free
which rose has no thorns
best revenge is beautiful
The most beautiful bloom is to fight back
Don’t let anyone change you
You are you or you are fine
someone will love you wholeheartedly
try to imagine you switched to his body
Sexuality Beware of what can hurt you
How many times of serious injuries, how many times of cold words
Drowning who will pull you
Dreaming who will accompany you
Same **** happens every day
The world can change after you leave
How many ignorance and guilt
Never forget to remember, the past is better than smoke
Born innocent, you don’t need to be sorry
One day I will be you baby boy and you gon’be me
If the noise doesn’t stop, let me accompany you to be quiet
I wish I could hug you till you’re really really being free
which rose has no thorns
best revenge is beautiful
The most beautiful bloom is to fight back
Don’t let anyone change you
You are you or you are fine
someone will love you wholeheartedly
Rose boy is in my heart
blooming bright legend
we never forget
Your accusation is silent
But pour out more truth
But it awakens countless sincerity
which rose has no thorns
best revenge is beautiful
The most beautiful bloom is to fight back
Don’t let anyone change you
You are you or you are fine
someone will love you wholeheartedly

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