
Song Title: 牧童 (Mùtóng)
Singer: LAY 张艺兴 (Zhāngyìxìng)
Released Date: 2021-10-15

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

Woo lǎo xiān shēng xià xué táng
Woo 老先生下学堂

Oh xiǎo mù tóng shǒu shuǐ táng yeah
Oh 小牧童守水塘 yeah

niú yáng máng qiū cǎo huáng dí shēng yáng
牛羊忙 秋草黄 笛声扬

zěn néng tǎng tián jiān làng fèi shí guāng

shuō lái huāng táng

Oh mù tóng zài tián yī fāng
Oh 牧童在田一方

niú jiǎo guà shū qín xué máng yeah
牛角挂书勤学忙 yeah

tiān dì guǎng mèng yuǎn xiāng xiǎo mù tóng tā zhèng tiào wàng
天地广 梦远乡 小牧童他正眺望

wàn lǐ lǐ xiǎng wàn lǐ cháng

gǎn niú yáng zhuī tài yáng

jiǔ tiān shàng xiě xìn yǎng

tián gěng wài tiān dì lìng yī fāng mèng xiǎng
田埂外天地另一方 梦想

“ cǎo pū héng yě liù qī lǐ , dí nòng wǎn fēng sān sì shēng 。

guī lái bǎo fàn huáng hūn hòu , bù tuō suō yī wò yuè míng 。”

bù céng fàng qì guò de mèng

wǒ yī zhí tái tóu kàn tiān kōng

tā rén xiào zhe lái cháo fēng

wǒ bìng bù lǐ huì bù huí tóu

rú guǒ rén shēng zài zhòng lái

wǒ hái huì dāng zhuī mèng mù tóng

jiù jiān chí nǔ lì yī zhí zǒu

bù xíng zài qí shàng wǒ de niú

Oh mù tóng zài tián yī fāng
Oh 牧童在田一方

niú jiǎo guà shū qín xué máng yeah
牛角挂书勤学忙 yeah

tiān dì guǎng mèng yuǎn xiāng xiǎo mù tóng tā zhèng tiào wàng
天地广 梦远乡 小牧童他正眺望

wàn lǐ lǐ xiǎng wàn lǐ cháng

gǎn niú yáng zhuī tài yáng

jiǔ tiān shàng xiě xìn yǎng

tián gěng wài tiān dì lìng yī fāng mèng xiǎng
田埂外天地另一方 梦想

“ cǎo pū héng yě liù qī lǐ , dí nòng wǎn fēng sān sì shēng 。

guī lái bǎo fàn huáng hūn hòu , bù tuō suō yī wò yuè míng 。”

bù céng fàng qì guò de mèng

wǒ yī zhí tái tóu kàn tiān kōng

tā rén xiào zhe lái cháo fēng

wǒ bìng bù lǐ huì bù huí tóu

rú guǒ rén shēng zài zhòng lái

wǒ hái huì dāng zhuī mèng mù tóng

jiù jiān chí nǔ lì yī zhí zǒu

bù xíng zài qí shàng wǒ de niú

English (Machine Translation)

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Mr. Woo goes to school
Oh little shepherd boy guarding the pond yeah
Cattle and sheep busy, autumn grass yellow, flute sounding
How can I waste time lying in the field
Oh, the shepherd boy is in the field
Horns, hanging books and busy studying yeah
The world is vast, Mengyuan Township, the little shepherd boy, he is looking
10,000 li ideal
Cattle and sheep chasing the sun
Written Faith in the Nine Heavens
The other side of the ridge outside the world dream
“For Liuqili in Caopu Yokono, the flute makes the evening breeze three or four times.
After returning home to a full meal in the evening, do not take off the clothes and lie on the moonlight. “
A dream that I never gave up
I keep looking up at the sky
Others laughed and mocked
I don’t care and don’t look back
If life starts again
I will also be a dream shepherd boy
Just keep working hard and keep going
Can’t ride my cow anymore
Oh, the shepherd boy is in the field
Horns, hanging books and busy studying yeah
The world is vast, Mengyuan Township, the little shepherd boy, he is looking
10,000 li ideal
Cattle and sheep chasing the sun
Written Faith in the Nine Heavens
The other side of the ridge outside the world dream
“For Liuqili in Caopu Yokono, the flute makes the evening breeze three or four times.
After returning home to a full meal in the evening, do not take off the clothes and lie on the moonlight. “
A dream that I never gave up
I keep looking up at the sky
Others laughed and mocked
I don’t care and don’t look back
If life starts again
I will also be a dream shepherd boy
Just keep working hard and keep going
Can’t ride my cow anymore

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