
Song Title: 你值得被好好爱着 (Nǐ zhídé bèi hǎohǎo àizhe)
Singer: 金玟岐 Vanessa Kim
Release Date: 2021-10-11

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

bù xǐ huān xiǎo shuō dào zuì hòu yī yè
不喜欢小说 到最后一页

bù xǐ huān cǎo lǜ jié jú de diàn yǐng
不喜欢草率 结局的电影

nǐ shuō jīng lì yī qiē yě shì zhǒng tè bié
你说经历一切 也是种特别

wǒ xiǎng wǒ néng gòu dǒng yī xiē
我想我 能够懂一些

bù xǐ huān rén jiān de shān qíng lí bié

bù xǐ huān shí zài děng bù dào de tiān qíng

nà jiù yòng yǔ shuǐ màn tiān huà xīn de shēng yīn
那就用雨水漫天 化心的声音

yǒu shí hòu làng màn shì yī fèn jí xīng
有时候浪漫 是一份即兴

yuàn nǐ kuài lè zhēn de kuài lè
愿你快乐 真的快乐

nǐ zhí dé bèi hǎo hǎo ài zháo

bù guǎn shì jiè zěn shuō nǐ tīng wǒ shuō
不管世界怎说 你听我说

zhè shì jiè zhēn de yǒu chéng nuò

yuàn nǐ kuài lè zhēn de kuài lè
愿你快乐 真的快乐

nǐ zhí dé bèi hǎo hǎo ài zháo

bù guǎn tiān tīng bù tīng nǐ tīng wǒ shuō
不管天听不听 你听我说

nǐ dǎn qiè de zhí zháo wǒ shǒu hòu
你胆怯的执着 我守候

bù xǐ huān rén jiān de shān qíng lí bié

bù xǐ huān shí zài děng bù dào de tiān qíng

nà jiù yòng yǔ shuǐ màn tiān huà xīn de shēng yīn
那就用雨水漫天 化心的声音

yǒu shí hòu làng màn shì yī fèn jí xīng
有时候浪漫 是一份即兴

yuàn nǐ kuài lè zhēn de kuài lè
愿你快乐 真的快乐

nǐ zhí dé bèi hǎo hǎo ài zháo

bù guǎn shì jiè zěn shuō nǐ tīng wǒ shuō
不管世界怎说 你听我说

zhè shì jiè zhēn de yǒu chéng nuò

yuàn nǐ kuài lè zhēn de kuài lè
愿你快乐 真的快乐

nǐ zhí dé bèi hǎo hǎo ài zháo

bù guǎn tiān tīng bù tīng nǐ tīng wǒ shuō
不管天听不听 你听我说

nǐ dǎn qiè de zhí zháo wǒ shǒu hòu
你胆怯的执着 我守候

yuàn nǐ kuài lè zhēn de kuài lè
愿你快乐 真的快乐

nǐ zhí dé bèi hǎo hǎo ài zháo

bù guǎn shì jiè zěn shuō nǐ tīng wǒ shuō
不管世界怎说 你听我说

zhè shì jiè zhēn de yǒu chéng nuò

English (Machine Translation)

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don’t like novels go to the last page
I don’t like movies with sloppy endings
You say that going through everything is also special
I think I can understand something

I don’t like the sensational parting of the world
I don’t like the sunny weather that I can’t wait for
Then use the rain that fills the sky to transform the voice of the heart
Sometimes romance is an impromptu

May you be happy, really happy
you deserve to be loved
No matter what the world says, listen to me
The world really has promise

May you be happy, really happy
you deserve to be loved
Whether God listens or not, listen to me
You are timid and persistent, I am waiting

I don’t like the sensational parting of the world
I don’t like the sunny weather that I can’t wait for
Then use the rain that fills the sky to transform the voice of the heart
Sometimes romance is an impromptu

May you be happy, really happy
you deserve to be loved
No matter what the world says, listen to me
The world really has promise

May you be happy, really happy
you deserve to be loved
Whether God listens or not, listen to me
You are timid and persistent, I am waiting

May you be happy, really happy
you deserve to be loved
No matter what the world says, listen to me
The world really has promise

May you be happy, really happy
you deserve to be loved
Whether God listens or not, listen to me
You are timid and persistent, I am waiting

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