Remember Tonight

Song Title: Remember Tonight
Singer: 弦子 (Xiánzi) /李铢衔James
Release Date: 2021-09-06

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

chuāng wài dìng gé le moonlight
窗外 定格了moonlight

chún bái bèi qiú jìn zài yáng tái
纯白 被囚禁在阳台

què jìn bù lái

là zhú diǎn liàng le qī dài
蜡烛 点亮了期待

làng màn shì wéi yī de sè cǎi

jì niàn rì bù gāi yù liào zhī wài
纪念日 不该预料之外

Will you remember my smile
Will you remember my smile

nà nián huā kāi zài wǒ nǎo hǎi ān yíng zhā zhài dì shèng kāi
那年花开 在我脑海 安营扎寨地盛开

bāo zhuāng chéng yī zhěng hé shén mì de jīng cǎi děng nǐ chāi
包装成 一整盒神秘的精彩等你拆

làng màn yòng xīn ān pái huì cháng chū yī zuò xīng hǎi
浪漫用心安排 会长出一座星海

I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight

I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight

I need you tonight

dī wěn yòu shǒu de qīng lài
低吻 右手的青睐

yīn lè ràng huà miàn màn xià lái
音乐 让画面慢下来

zài děng duì bái

shuí dū néng míng bái zhè shì ài bù xū yào yǎn gài
谁都能明白 这是爱 不需要掩盖

yí shì gǎn yě yìng gāi cún zài
仪式感 也应该存在

pèng bēi zī tài jìng tòng kuài
碰杯姿态 敬痛快

Remember my smile
Remember my smile

nà nián huā kāi zài wǒ nǎo hǎi ān yíng zhā zhài dì shèng kāi
那年花开 在我脑海 安营扎寨地盛开

bāo zhuāng chéng yī zhěng hé shén mì de jīng cǎi děng nǐ chāi
包装成 一整盒神秘的精彩等你拆

duǎn zàn de bù yú kuài huì cháng chū yī zuò xīng hǎi
短暂的不愉快 会长出一座星海

Oh I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight

Hi nǐ de cún zài
Hi 你的 存在

wú kě tì dài wú chù bù zài
无可替代 无处不在

jiù suàn jǐ jìn rén hǎi yī yǎn jiù kàn chū lái
就算挤进人海 一眼就看出来

bù zài suí biàn qù cāi
不再 随便 去猜

tán xiào jiān jì huì de huài
谈笑间 忌讳的坏

wǒ zhī dào wèi lái nǐ huì yī zhí dū zài
我知道未来 你会一直都在

I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight
I need you tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight
I need you tonight

English (Machine Translation)

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The moonlight is frozen outside the window
Pure white imprisoned on the balcony
But can’t get in
Candles lit up with anticipation
Romance is the only color
Anniversary should not be unexpected
Will you remember my smile
That year the flowers bloomed in my mind
Packed into a whole box of mysterious and wonderful waiting for you to open
Romantic and careful arrangements will grow a sea of ​​stars
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight
Low kiss, the favor of the right hand
Music slows down the picture
Waiting for dialogue
Everyone can understand that this is love, no need to cover it up
The sense of ritual should also exist
Clinking glasses
Remember my smile
That year the flowers bloomed in my mind
Packed into a whole box of mysterious and wonderful waiting for you to open
A short period of unhappiness will grow a star sea
Oh I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight
Hi your existence
Irreplaceable everywhere
Even if you squeeze into the crowd, you can tell at a glance
No longer just guess
The taboo is bad
I know that in the future you will always be there
I feel it tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight
I need you tonight
I feel it tonight
I need you tonight
I need you tonight

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