
Song Title: 三打白骨精 (Sān dǎ báigǔjīng)
Singer: 孟鹤堂 (Mèng hètáng)
Released Date: 2021-10-19

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

rèn píng yāo mó duō biàn huàn

huǒ yǎn jīn jīng kàn dé qīng

tiě bàng zài shǒu yāo wù jìng

sǎo jǐn tiān xià bái gǔ jīng

huà shuō táng sēng lù guò yī gè bái hǔ líng
话说唐僧 路过一个白虎岭

qià qiǎo pèng dào le zhù zuò lǐ de bái gǔ jīng
恰巧碰到了 著作里的白骨精

zhè yāo jīng biàn huà duō duān bǎi nòng jiǎ de mèi lì
这妖精变化多端 摆弄假的魅力

xiǎng chī táng sēng zài cuò cuò bái lóng mǎ de ruì qì
想吃唐僧 再挫挫白龙马的锐气

wèi bì shī fù shuō wǒ kàn wèi bì
未必 师父说我看未必

rén xīn běn shàn wù kōng hé bì ruì lì
人心本善 悟空何必锐利

zuì yì nà bā jiè dài zhe jī sī zuì yì
醉意 那八戒带着几丝醉意

tā quàn zhe shā shī dì yī qǐ méng shēng le tuì yì

zhǐ yǒu dà shèng shì pò le bái gǔ bù tíng de zhuī bī

xiǎng ràng tā de hún dā shàng zuì zǎo bān de fēi jī

a yī cì guī xī liǎng cì guī xī sān cì guī xī

shī tú èr rén jiān de xìn rèn yù dào wēi jī

sān dǎ bái gǔ jīng wù kōng chī le sān gè jǐn gū zhòu
三打白骨精 悟空吃了三个紧箍咒

zhè zhǐ shì gè kāi shǐ táng sēng qiáo zhe zuǐ jiǎo shuō
这只是个开始 唐僧翘着嘴角说

shī fù de xīn sī nǐ zěn me cāi dū cāi bù tòu
师父的心思 你怎么猜都猜不透

fǎn zhèng gē yǒu bù sǐ guāng huán

yào bù zěn me xiě xiǎo shuō

rèn píng yāo mó duō biàn huàn

huǒ yǎn jīn jīng kàn dé qīng

tiě bàng zài shǒu yāo wù jìng

sǎo jǐn tiān xià bái gǔ jīng

wèi le duàn liàn gē sā tǐ néng

bù xī bèi yāo guài zhuā zǒu

jīn chán zǐ mù hòu dà lǎo aka tú dì shā shǒu
金蝉子幕后大佬 aka徒弟杀手

nǐ bié shuō zhè dà shèng shì zhēn yǒu xīn
你别说 这大圣是 真有心

bǐ fēng huǒ lún hái kuài tā cǎi zhe jīn dǒu yún
比风火轮还快 他踩着 筋斗云

zhàn dǒu de shí jiàn jiā yī fēi jiù shí wàn bā
战斗的实践家 一飞就十万八

guài bù dé zǐ xiá xiān zǐ dū nà me mí liàn tā

sān xià wǔ chú èr jiù bǎ shī fù yíng jiù
三下五除二 就把师父营救

hái àn zì jiǎo xìng zhè cì dà gē méi yǒu míng zhòu

chà diǎn diū fàn wǎn shì wù kōng nèi xīn de dú bái
差点丢饭碗 是悟空内心的独白

qí shí wǒ yě yǒu gōng láo xiǎo bái chā zhe zuǐ
其实我也有功劳 小白插着嘴

zhè gè shí hòu shā shī dì yě zhàn le chū lái
这个时候沙师弟 也站了出来

a méi shì nǐ men liáo ǎn jiù shì lái huá gè shuǐ
啊没事你们聊 俺就是来划个水

bā jiè pàn zhe xià dùn néng yǒu jiǔ jiā chí xī fàn
八戒盼着下顿能 有酒加持稀饭

wù kōng hái zài gù lǜ zhe jiǔ jiǔ bā shí yī nán
悟空还在顾虑着 九九八十一难

shī fù shuō cǐ xíng mù de bìng bù shì qiú qǔ zhēn jīng
师父说此行目的 并不是求取真经

fán chén zuì miào de xiān dān bù guò shì yǒu nǐ zhēn xīn
凡尘最妙的仙丹 不过是有你真心

rèn píng yāo mó duō biàn huàn

huǒ yǎn jīn jīng kàn dé qīng

tiě bàng zài shǒu yāo wù jìng

sǎo jǐn tiān xià bái gǔ jīng

rèn píng yāo mó duō biàn huàn

huǒ yǎn jīn jīng kàn dé qīng

tiě bàng zài shǒu yāo wù jìng

sǎo jǐn tiān xià bái gǔ jīng

English (Machine Translation)

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Let the monsters change
You can see clearly
Iron rod in hand monster net
Sweep the world
Speaking of Tang Seng passing by a Baihuling
I happened to run into the bone spirit in the book
This goblin is very varied and plays with fake charms
Want to eat Tang Seng, then frustrate Bai Longma’s spirit
Maybe. Master said I don’t think it’s necessary.
Human heart is kind, why should Wukong be sharp
Drunk, Ba Jie is a little bit drunk
He persuaded Junior Brother Sha to retreat together
Only the great sage saw through the endless pursuit of the bones
I want its soul to catch the earliest flight
Ah once to the west, twice to the west, three times to the west
The trust between the master and the apprentice is in crisis
Three dozens of bone spirits, Goku ate three hoops
This is just the beginning, Tang Seng cocked his mouth and said
Master’s mind, you can’t guess it
Brother has an aura of immortality anyway
How about writing novels
Let the monsters change
You can see clearly
Iron rod in hand monster net
Sweep the world
In order to train brother three’s physical fitness
Not hesitate to be taken away by monsters
Jin Chanzi behind the scenes aka apprentice killer
Don’t say that this great sage is really interested
Faster than Hot Wheels, he is stepping on somersault clouds
Practitioners of combat make a hundred thousand people on the fly
No wonder Fairy Zixia is so obsessed with him
Three, five, and two will be rescued
I also secretly lucky that my eldest brother didn’t cast a curse this time
I almost lost my job, it’s Goku’s inner monologue
Actually, I also have the credit, Xiaobai cut in
At this time, Junior Brother Sha also stood up
Ah, it’s okay, you guys talk, I just come to paddle
Ba Jie is looking forward to the next meal with wine and blessed rice porridge
Wukong is still worrying about ninety-nine-eighty-one difficulties
Master said the purpose of this trip is not to seek truth
Mortal Chen’s most wonderful elixir, but with your sincere heart
Let the monsters change
You can see clearly
Iron rod in hand monster net
Sweep the world
Let the monsters change
You can see clearly
Iron rod in hand monster net
Sweep the world

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