
Song Title: 山岚(Shānlán)
Singer: GAI周延 (Zhōuyán)
Released Date: 2021-09-24

Audio for Pronunciation Practice

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

shí jiān zǒng zài yī huǎng yǎn

yī jiù hái zài zuì gāo diǎn

rèn píng tā men lùn bāo biǎn

liú bù xià de zǎo zǒu yüǎn

nà jiù gǎn xiè pú sà xiǎn líng

tiān mìng nán wéi sān shēng yǒu xìng

qīng fú guò nà guò yǎn yān yǘn

yào wǎng shàng zǒu wǒ yī zhí jiān xìn

shí jiān zǒng zài yī huǎng yǎn

yī jiù hái zài zuì gāo diǎn

rèn píng tā men lùn bāo biǎn

liú bù xià de zǎo zǒu yüǎn

nà jiù gǎn xiè pú sà xiǎn líng

tiān mìng nán wéi sān shēng yǒu xìng

qīng fú guò nà guò yǎn yān yǘn

yào wǎng shàng zǒu wǒ yī zhí jiān xìn

huò dé yī qiè bù shì shǒu dào qín lái

méi yǒu fù chū nǎ yǒu fēng xiàng jiāng wǒ yíng lái

shēng mìng fù yǚ wǒ jiù bì xǖ qín kuài

yào cóng fèi xǖ yī zhí gàn dào lóu gé tíng tái

bàn jīn bā liǎng tán shén me jì huà

nà diǎn shēng yīn bù rú wǒ tán de pí pá

bù zuò gōng xǖn wǒ zhì xiàng zài bǐ xià
不做功勋 我志向在笔下

xíng zǒu jiāng hú lái bǐ bǐ nǎ gè lì dà

cuì ruò de shòu bù liǎo páng rén jì yǘ

wǒ jiù shì kuáng kuáng de bù kě lǐ yǜ
我就是狂 狂的不可理喻

wù bì dōu zhǎn shì běi dǒu qī xīng mìng pán
务必都展示 北斗七星命盘

dà gē zěn me kě néng qǜ bǎi làn bǐ yǜ

lǎo shī fù jiè chǐ guà mǎn shí gè shǒu zhǐ

jǐ fú yán sè huàn xiǎng chāo guò lǎo zǐ

nǐ de shēng mìng guò yǘ liáo cǎo jiǒng kùn liáo rào
你的生命过于潦草 窘困缭绕

Young chigga bù hustle zhēn de kě chǐ
Young chigga 不hustle真的可耻

shēn zài qiān shān dǐng shàng tóu

tū yán shēn fèng miào xiāng chóu

fēi wú jiǎo xià fú yǘn yóu

lái bù xiāng zhī qǜ bù liú

xiàn zài liú xià lei hái yǒu jī huì

hái yǒu jī huì shí lì chuàng zào lì de pǐ pèi
还有机会 实力创造力的匹配

nǐ de mèng jìng bù huì xǐng

qüán shì wǒ de bèi yǐng

wǒ de huà yǚ shì nǐ wéi yī de tǐ huì

Ya nǐ men kěn dìng dāng shí méi xiǎng dào
Ya 你们肯定当时没想到

lǎo zǐ men huì yǒu jīn tiān

xiāng shàng jīn biān zuān bǐ jīn jiān zhàn zài dǐng diǎn
镶上金边 钻比金坚 站在顶点

gāo tóu de kōng qì dào dǐ yǒu hǎo xīn xiān

yī zhí jì de dāng chū de gǎn jüé

wǒ gǎn shuō yòu gǎn zuò gěi tā men zào chéng shāng hài

yǜ yán jiā ràng tā men dōu bù néng fǎn bó

nǐ tǎn tè yǒu shá yòng cóng guò qǜ hóng dào jiāng lái

zuò chū le xüǎn zé wǒ shì duì lei
做出了选择 我是对嘞

bù yào dǎ tīng le bǐ nǐ huì xiē
不要打听了 比你会些

wǒ cóng dǐ céng yī zhí pá dào xiàn zài

nǐ men hái zài yán jiū zǎ gè qǚ qiǎo tuí fèi

Life be goes on

wǒ zài nì jìng zhī zhōng yóu yǒng

mèng bái jīn zuàn shí bān de mèng
梦 白金钻石般的梦

jī huì shāo zòng jí shì lǎo zǐ zhēn de méi kòng

Life be goes on

wǒ zài nì jìng zhī zhōng yóu yǒng

mèng bái jīn zuàn shí bān de mèng

jī huì shāo zòng jí shì lǎo zǐ zhēn de méi kòng

shí jiān zǒng zài yī huǎng yǎn

yī jiù hái zài zuì gāo diǎn

rèn píng tā men lùn bāo biǎn

liú bù xià de zǎo zǒu yüǎn

nà jiù gǎn xiè pú sà xiǎn líng

tiān mìng nán wéi sān shēng yǒu xìng

qīng fú guò nà guò yǎn yān yǘn

yào wǎng shàng zǒu wǒ yī zhí jiān xìn

shí jiān zǒng zài yī huǎng yǎn

yī jiù hái zài zuì gāo diǎn

rèn píng tā men lùn bāo biǎn

liú bù xià de zǎo zǒu yüǎn

nà jiù gǎn xiè pú sà xiǎn líng

tiān mìng nán wéi sān shēng yǒu xìng

qīng fú guò nà guò yǎn yān yǘn

yào wǎng shàng zǒu wǒ yī zhí jiān xìn

English (Machine Translation)

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Time is always dazzling
Still at the highest point
Leave them to praise and criticize
I can’t stay and leave early
Then thank the Bodhisattva Appearance
Destiny is hard to violate, three lives are fortunate
Flicking past the smoke cloud
I have always believed in going up
Time is always dazzling
Still at the highest point
Leave them to praise and criticize
I can’t stay and leave early
Then thank the Bodhisattva for the manifestation
Destiny is hard to violate, three lives are fortunate
Flicking past the smoke cloud
I have always believed in going up

Getting everything is not easy
If you haven’t paid, how can the wind greet me
Life gives me I must be diligent
From the ruins to the pavilions
What plans are you talking about?
That little sound is not as good as my pipa
I don’t do any meritorious service, my ambition is in the pen
Which force is better than walking the rivers and lakes
Fragile and can’t stand coveted by others
I’m crazy, crazy and unreasonable
Be sure to show the Big Dipper natal chart
How could the eldest brother make a bad metaphor?
The teacher’s father’s ruler is covered with ten fingers
A few color fantasy surpasses Lao Tzu
Your life is too scribbled and embarrassed
Young chigga is shameful not to be hustle
On top of Qianshan Mountain
The deep fracture of the tor is wonderfully fragrant and thick
Not without feet
Come or not know each other, go or not
I still have a chance to stay
There is still a chance to match strength and creativity
Your dreams won’t wake up
All my back
My words are your only experience
Ya, you must have not thought of it at the time
I will have today
Inlaid with gold edges, diamonds are stronger than gold, standing at the apex
How fresh is the high-end air
I always remember how I felt
I dare to say and dare to do harm to them
The prophet made them unable to refute
What’s the use of your anxiety? From the past to the future
Made a choice, I’m right
Don’t ask, know better than you
I have been climbing from the bottom till now
You are still studying how to take a tricky decadence
Life be goes on
I swim in adversity
Dream platinum diamond dream
Opportunities are fleeting, I really don’t have time
Life be goes on
I swim in adversity
Dream platinum diamond dream
Opportunities are fleeting, I really don’t have time
Time is always dazzling
Still at the highest point
Let them speak up
I can’t stay and leave early
Then thank the Bodhisattva for the manifestation
Destiny is hard to violate, three lives are fortunate
Flicking past the smoke cloud
I have always believed in going up
Time is always dazzling
Still at the highest point
Let them speak up
I can’t stay and leave early
Then thank the Bodhisattva for the manifestation
Destiny is hard to violate, three lives are fortunate
Flicking past the smoke cloud
I have always believed in going up

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