
Song Title: 生而为赢 (Shēng ér wéi yíng)
Singer: 周深 (Zhou Shen)
Release Date: 2021-08-27

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

miáo zhǔn le fāng xiàng bié guǎn wǒ duō fēng kuáng
瞄准了方向 别管我多疯狂

dào shù de míng xiǎng yǐn bào chū zhè yī qiāng
倒数的鸣响 引爆出这一枪

rèn wǒ kuài rú jiàn yī yáng fēi qǐ lái
任我快 如箭一样 飞起来

ràng xiě mài tuō zhe xīn tiào lái jiàn shèng bài
让血脉 托着心跳 来见胜败

wǒ yào shēng ér wèi yíng bù bài
我要生而为赢 不败

tǎng zhe rè xiě yī wǎng wú ài
淌着热血 一往无碍

jiù suàn shāng kǒu zhàn kāi

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

ér wǒ shēng ér qiáng hàn bù bài
而我生而强悍 不败

gǔn tàng de xīn xiāo yǒng péng pài
滚烫的心 骁勇澎湃

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

tīng wǒ shēng ér wèi yíng nè hǎn

diē dǎo de chuàng shāng zuì jiāo ào de xūn zhāng
跌倒的创伤 最骄傲的勋章

shèng zhě de kě wàng zuì piāo liàng de jué qiáng
胜者的渴望 最漂亮的倔强

rèn wǒ kuài rú jiàn yī yáng fēi qǐ lái
任我快 如箭一样 飞起来

ràng xiě mài tuō zhe xīn tiào lái jiàn shèng bài
让血脉 托着心跳 来见胜败

wǒ yào shēng ér wèi yíng bù bài
我要生而为赢 不败

tǎng zhe rè xiě yī wǎng wú ài
淌着热血 一往无碍

jiù suàn shāng kǒu zhàn kāi

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

ér wǒ shēng ér qiáng hàn bù bài
而我生而强悍 不败

gǔn tàng de xīn xiāo yǒng péng pài
滚烫的心 骁勇澎湃

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

tīng wǒ shēng ér wèi yíng nè hǎn

wǒ yào shēng ér wèi yíng bù bài
我要生而为赢 不败

tǎng zhe rè xiě yī wǎng wú ài
淌着热血 一往无碍

jiù suàn shāng kǒu zhàn kāi

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

ér wǒ shēng ér qiáng hàn bù bài
而我生而强悍 不败

gǔn tàng de xīn xiāo yǒng péng pài
滚烫的心 骁勇澎湃

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

I quest on and on
I quest on and on

tīng wǒ shēng ér wèi yíng nè hǎn

English (Machine Translation)

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Aimed at the direction, don’t care how crazy I am
The countdown sound detonated this shot
Let me fly like an arrow
Let the blood support the heartbeat to see victory or defeat
I want to be born to win and be undefeated
Dripping blood
Even if the wound opens
I quest on and on
I quest on and on
And I was born strong and undefeated
Hot heart, brave and surging
I quest on and on
I quest on and on
Listen to me being born to cry for victory
The trauma of a fall, the proudest medal
The desire of the winner, the most beautiful stubbornness
Let me fly like an arrow
Let the blood support the heartbeat to see victory or defeat
I want to be born to win and be undefeated
Dripping blood
Even if the wound opens
I quest on and on
I quest on and on
And I was born strong and undefeated
Hot heart, brave and surging
I quest on and on
I quest on and on
Listen to me being born to cry for victory
I want to be born to win and be undefeated
Dripping blood
Even if the wound opens
I quest on and on
I quest on and on
And I was born strong and undefeated
Hot heart, brave and surging
I quest on and on
I quest on and on
Listen to me being born to cry for victory

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