
Song Title: 他不是星辰大海 (Tā bùshì xīngchén dàhǎi)
Singer: 陈近南 (Chén jìnnán)
Released Date: 2021-09-02

Audio Pronunciation Practice

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

wǒ xiǎng cóng è mèng xǐng lái tā bù shì xīng chén dà hǎi
我想从噩梦醒来 他不是星辰大海

dú zì shèng kāi

yě xǔ wǒ cái shì xīng hǎi měi miào dú tè de cún zài
也许我才是星海 美妙独特的存在

Hi shí jiān bù zǎo le zěn me hái méi shuì ní
Hi 时间不早了怎么还没睡呢

yí hàn de shì jiù zài nà

bù huì yīn shī mián ér dǎ duì zhé

ràng wǒ cāi cāi

shì zhí cháng lěng kù huò shì ài ér wèi dé

suàn le bù wèn le

fǎn zhèng wǒ men zǎo jiù qīng chǔ zhè guī zé

shàng cì gēn nǐ tí guò de nán hái

tā shuō wǒ nǎ dū hěn hǎo

dàn nǚ hái zǐ yào shòu yī diǎn

xiǎng jiǎn féi yī dìng chèn zǎo

tā shuō kě yǐ gēn wǒ yuē huì

dàn liàn ài hái yào dài dìng

rú guǒ wǒ yī zhí zhè me pàng tā kě néng méi yǒu nài xìng

tā zhú jiàn lěng dàn wǒ yě jiǎn shǎo fēn xiǎng yù

kě dāng tā yuē wǒ jiàn miàn xīn lǐ hái shì zhēn xiǎng qù

yǐ qián tā kuā wǒ huó pō

hòu lái xián wǒ huà duō guō zào

yě shì tú gǎi biàn wǒ yī qiē

gāo gāo zài shàng dì shuō jiào

nǐ xìng gé pí qì bù hǎo kǒu hóng yán sè yě tài shēn
你性格脾气不好 口红颜色也太深

bù yào zhí yí wǒ hěn ài nǐ

wǒ zhǐ xǐ huān nǐ de lǜ zhēn

wǒ xiàn rù gè zhǒng qíng xù wèi tā fàng qì dà de dǐ pái

tā què ràng wǒ jué dé

wǒ shì zhè shì jiè zuì chà de nǚ hái

cóng è mèng xǐng lái tā bù shì xīng chén dà hǎi
从噩梦醒来 他不是星辰大海

bù yòng yī lài shuí de hē cǎi wǒ yào dú zì shèng kāi

wǒ cái shì xīng hǎi měi miào dú tè de cún zài
我才是星海 美妙独特的存在

zǒng yǒu rè ài mǎn huái qī dài yào duì zì jǐ chóng bài
总有热爱满怀期待 要对自己崇拜

yě xǔ nǐ hǎo qí hòu lái wǒ men xiāng chù de qíng jìng

wǒ lí kāi le tā huí guī shǔ yú zì jǐ de píng jìng

bù shì wǒ cuò guò le tā ér shì tā dī gū le wǒ
不是我错过了他 而是他低估了我

xiàng wǒ zhè zhǒng rén tiān shēng jiù gāi shì càn làn de huā huǒ

wǒ yǒu gè péng yǒu tā shuō ài qíng jiù xiàng guò yǎn yún yān

quàn wǒ yòng xīn gǎo shì yè

cái néng bēn xiàng gèng yuǎn míng tiān

wǒ xiǎng nà xiē liàn ài shī bài jīng lì zhēn de tài zhèng cháng

nà xiē nán hái tiāo sān jiǎn sì yǐ wèi zì jǐ shì shuí

Jackson Wang

mā mā gǔ lì wǒ zuì bàng chí zǎo yǒu gè hǎo duì xiàng
妈妈鼓励我最棒 迟早有个好对象

bà bà shuō jīng guò zuì duō mó lì de zhēn zhū

yī dìng zuì liàng

tā men bù tú wǒ yáng míng lì wàn huò shì xué fù wǔ chē

zhǐ xiǎng wǒ kuài lè

bǎ wǒ yǎng dà bù shì wèi shòu kǔ de

xiāng xìn wǒ shí guāng cōng cōng zhè shāng bā zǒng huì yù hé
相信我 时光匆匆这伤疤总会愈合

lí kāi tā bù suàn yí hàn ér shì jí shí jiě tuō

xiāng xìn nǐ zì jǐ zhí dé yǒng gǎn miàn duì zhè hard life
相信你自己值得 勇敢面对这hard life

nǐ de měi shèng guò le xīng chén lì liàng qiáng guò le dà hǎi

cóng è mèng xǐng lái tā bù shì xīng chén dà hǎi
从噩梦醒来 他不是星辰大海

bù yòng yī lài shuí de hē cǎi nǐ yào dú zì shèng kāi

nǐ cái shì xīng hǎi měi miào dú tè de cún zài
你才是星海 美妙独特的存在

zǒng yǒu rè ài mǎn huái qī dài yào duì zì jǐ chóng bài

cóng è mèng xǐng lái tā bù shì xīng chén dà hǎi
从噩梦醒来 他不是星辰大海

bù yòng yī lài shuí de hē cǎi nǐ yào dú zì shèng kāi

nǐ cái shì xīng hǎi měi miào dú tè de cún zài
你才是星海 美妙独特的存在

zǒng yǒu rè ài mǎn huái qī dài yào duì zì jǐ chóng bài

nǐ shì dà hǎi yě shì héng xīng

wǒ zhī chí nǐ suǒ yǒu jué dìng

English (Machine Translation)

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I want to wake up from a nightmare, he is not the sea of ​​stars
Bloom alone
Maybe I am Xinghai, a wonderful and unique existence
Hi, it’s late, why haven’t you fallen asleep?
The regret is there
No 50% discount due to insomnia
let me guess
Is the workplace cold or love is not obtained
Forget it
Anyway, we knew this rule a long time ago
The boy I mentioned to you last time
He said I’m fine everywhere
But girls have to be thinner
If you want to lose weight, you must be as early as possible
He said he could date me
But love is still to be determined
If I have been so fat, he may not have patience
He gradually became cold and I also reduced the desire to share
But when he asked me to meet, he still wanted to go
He used to praise me for being lively
Later, I thought I was too loud
Also trying to change everything for me
Speak up
You have a bad temper and your lipstick is too dark
Don’t question that i love you very much
I only like your frankness
I fell into various emotions to give up the big hole cards for him
He made me feel
I am the worst girl in the world
Wake up from a nightmare, he is not the sea of ​​stars
Don’t rely on anyone’s cheers, I will bloom alone
I am Xinghai, a wonderful and unique existence
There is always love and anticipation, I want to worship myself
Maybe you are curious about the situation we got together later
I left him to return to my own peace
It’s not that I missed him, but he underestimated me
People like me are born with splendid fireworks
I have a friend who said that love is like passing a glance
Persuade me to work hard
In order to go further to tomorrow
I think those love failure experiences are really normal
Those boys pick and choose who they think they are
Jackson Wang
Mom encourages me to be the best, and sooner or later I have a good partner
Dad said the most polished pearl
Must be the brightest
They don’t try to make me famous or learn to be rich
Just want me to be happy
I didn’t raise me to suffer
Believe me, time flies, this scar will always heal
Leaving him is not a pity but a timely relief
Believe that you are worthy, bravely face this hard life
Your beauty is better than the stars and the power is stronger than the sea
Wake up from a nightmare, he is not the sea of ​​stars
Don’t rely on anyone’s cheers, you have to bloom alone
You are Xinghai, a wonderful and unique existence
There is always love and expectation to worship oneself
Wake up from a nightmare, he is not the sea of ​​stars
Don’t rely on anyone’s cheers, you have to bloom alone
You are Xinghai, a wonderful and unique existence
There is always love and expectation to worship oneself
You are the sea and the star
I support all your decisions

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