
Song Title: 问花 (Wèn huā)
Singer: 周深 (Zhōu Shēn)
Release Date: 2021-07-15

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

fán huā mǎn tiān duō shǎo huí fán huā mǎn tiān
繁花满天 多少回繁花满天

duō shǎo huí wǎn xiá yòu duō shǎo huí duàn yá biān
多少回晚霞 又多少回断崖边

wèn huā kě yuàn shēn jiè wǒ

suí fēng sàn zuò qiān wàn piàn
随风散 作 千万片

tiān shàng rén jiān dū yào xún biàn
天上人间 都要寻遍

duō shǎo shēng shì yán kàn zhè shì jiān biàn qiān
多少声誓言 看这世间变迁

piāo yáo fēng zhēng xiàn zài miǎo miǎo fú shì jiān
飘摇风筝线 在渺渺浮世间

jiù zài àn rán zhī jiān wǒ yī huí yǎn
就在黯然之间 我一回眼

nǐ zài shēn qián

duō shǎo huí míng yuè tā zhào luò zài chuāng qián
多少回明月 它照落在窗前

bì shàng le shuāng yǎn yòu yī chūn jiāng yán

nà yī huí de chán mián

shì jié shì yuán dū liú liàn
是劫 是缘 都留恋

fán huā mǎn tiān duō shǎo huí fán huā mǎn tiān
繁花满天 多少回繁花满天

duō shǎo huí wǎn xiá yòu duō shǎo huí duàn yá biān
多少回晚霞 又多少回断崖边

wèn huā kāi luò wèi hé rén

rén hǎi fēn fēn jīng lì biàn
人海纷 纷 经历遍

hé shí zhōng néng jiāng nǐ xún jiàn
何时终能 将你寻见

duō shǎo shì zhí niàn zhǐ wèi zhè yī shùn jiān
多少世执念 只为这一瞬间

wèi ní huò wèi huā tā shì jié hái shì yuán
为泥或为花 它是劫还是缘

piāo sàn le de shí jiān dū yǐ huà zuò
飘散了的时间 都已化作

guò yǎn yún yān

duō shǎo huí luò rì rǎn hóng le wǒ sī niàn
多少回落日 染红了我思念

wèn huā hé shí jù huā yī jiù wú yán
问花何时聚 花依旧无言

què dài yī rén xiāng jiàn

gòng huà fán huā fēi mǎn tiān
共话 繁花 飞满天

shì jié shì yuán dū liú liàn
是劫 是缘 都留恋

English (Machine Translation)

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The sky is full of flowers How many times the sky is full of flowers
How many sunsets and how many times back to the edge of the cliff
Ask the flower, would you like to lend me
Disperse with the wind, make thousands of pieces
The heaven and earth must be searched
How many oaths to see the changes in this world
Floating kite line in the world
Just in the sadness, I glanced back
You are in front of you
How many times back to the bright moon, it shone on the window
I closed my eyes and followed the spring riverside
That time of lingering
It’s a robbery, it’s a fate
The sky is full of flowers How many times the sky is full of flowers
How many sunsets and how many times back to the edge of the cliff
Ask who the flowers bloom and fall
There is a sea of people, and I have experienced it all over
When will I finally find you
How many years of obsession, just for this moment
For mud or flower, is it a robbery or fate
The lost time has been turned into
How many times the sunset has dyed red I miss
Ask when the flowers gather, the flowers are still speechless
But wait for the Iraqi people to meet
Talking together, blooming flowers flying all over the sky
It’s a robbery, it’s a fate

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