
Song Title: 无忘 (Wú wàng)
Singer: 张靓颖 (Zhāng Jìngyǐng)
Release Date: 2021-08-14

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

táng qián yàn cǐ qù yuǎn lù tiáo kě zhī fǎn
堂前燕 此去远路迢可知返

qīng nòng xián qū zhōng niàn gù rén hé shí hái
轻弄弦曲中念 故人何时还

shuí àn rán zài kuì tàn jiāng hú duō lí sàn
谁黯然在喟叹 江湖多离散

chén āi luò dìng yī shǎng yě tān huān
尘埃落定 一晌也贪欢

jiǔ yī zhǎn duì qīng shān tíng zhōu yuè xiàng wǎn
酒一盏对青山 停舟月向晚

fāng cǎo àn qǐ yún yān shì wài xiàn yōu rán

shuí héng dí qián chén sàn lún huí dū kàn dàn
谁横笛 前尘散 轮回都看淡

chén qíng jiù mèng qiān jīn yě bù huàn
陈情旧梦 千金也不换

yuàn wú wàng dāng nián xún nǐ duō zhǎn zhuǎn

bá shān shè shuǐ xún biàn jī shì bēi huān
跋山涉水 寻遍几世悲欢

dēng huǒ lán shān chù jīng hóng biàn zì wù

wú fēng qǐ wēi lán

dù jié nán wàn qiān huàn yú shēng xiāng bàn

bái yī yìng wū shān hé yī qū wǎn zhuǎn
白衣映乌衫 合一曲婉转

xián kàn tiān sè mù shèng rén jiān wú shù

fēn rǎo dū wú guān

táng qián yàn cǐ qù yuǎn lù tiáo kě zhī fǎn
堂前燕 此去远路迢可知返

qīng nòng xián qū zhōng niàn gù rén hé shí hái
轻弄弦曲中念 故人何时还

shuí àn rán zài kuì tàn jiāng hú duō lí sàn
谁黯然在喟叹 江湖多离散

chén āi luò dìng yī shǎng yě tān huān
尘埃落定 一晌也贪欢

jiǔ yī zhǎn duì qīng shān tíng zhōu yuè xiàng wǎn
酒一盏对青山 停舟月向晚

fāng cǎo àn qǐ yún yān shì wài xiàn yōu rán

shuí héng dí qián chén sàn lún huí dū kàn dàn
谁横笛 前尘散 轮回都看淡

chén qíng jiù mèng qiān jīn yě bù huàn
陈情旧梦 千金也不换

yuàn wú wàng dāng nián xún nǐ duō zhǎn zhuǎn

bá shān shè shuǐ xún biàn jī shì bēi huān
跋山涉水 寻遍几世悲欢

dēng huǒ lán shān chù jīng hóng biàn zì wù

wú fēng qǐ wēi lán

dù jié nán wàn qiān huàn yú shēng xiāng bàn

bái yī yìng wū shān hé yī qū wǎn zhuǎn
白衣映乌衫 合一曲婉转

xián kàn tiān sè mù shèng rén jiān wú shù

fēn rǎo dū wú guān

yuàn wú wàng dāng nián xún nǐ duō zhǎn zhuǎn

bá shān shè shuǐ xún biàn jī shì bēi huān
跋山涉水 寻遍几世悲欢

dēng huǒ lán shān chù jīng hóng biàn zì wù

wú fēng qǐ wēi lán

dù jié nán wàn qiān huàn yú shēng xiāng bàn

bái yī yìng wū shān hé yī qū wǎn zhuǎn
白衣映乌衫 合一曲婉转

xián kàn tiān sè mù shèng rén jiān wú shù

fēn rǎo dū wú guān

English (Machine Translation)

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Tang Qianyan, you can know the way back
When will the deceased be returned?
Who is sadly sighing how scattered the rivers and lakes are
When the dust settles, I am greedy for a while
A cup of wine against the green hills
The grassy shore rises and the clouds appear leisurely outside the world
Whose flute, the dust is scattered, the reincarnation will be bearish
Old dreams don’t change their daughters
May I never forget to find you more and more
Traveling through mountains and rivers, searching for the joys and sorrows of life
When the lights are dimly lit
No wind
Overcoming disasters for the rest of your life to accompany
The white clothes reflect the black sweater
Leisurely watching the sky at dusk wins countless worlds
Disturbance is irrelevant
Tang Qian Yan
When will the deceased be returned?
Who is sadly sighing how scattered the world is
When the dust settles, I am greedy for a while
A cup of wine against the green hills
The grassy shore rises and the clouds appear leisurely outside the world
Who is the flute before the dust is scattered, the reincarnation will be looked down upon
Old dreams don’t change their daughters
May I never forget to find you more and more
Traveling through mountains and rivers, searching for the joys and sorrows of life
When the lights are dimly lit
No wind
Overcoming disasters for the rest of your life to accompany
The white clothes reflect the black sweater
Leisurely watching the sky at dusk wins countless worlds
Disturbance is irrelevant
May I never forget to find you more and more
Traveling through mountains and rivers, searching for the joys and sorrows of life
When the lights are dimly lit
No wind
Overcoming disasters for the rest of your life to accompany
The white clothes reflect the black sweater
Leisurely watching the sky at dusk wins countless worlds
Disturbance is irrelevant

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