
Song Title: 余生,请多指教 (Yúshēng, qǐng duō zhǐjiào)
Singer: 杨紫 (Yáng Zǐ) /肖战 (Sean Xiào Zhàn)
Release Date: 2021-08-14

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

yáng zǐ :

shí jiān céng jìng zhǐ le yī qiē
时间 曾静止了一切

yuán lái rén shān rén hǎi lǐ yǒu tè bié
原来 人山人海里有特别

zhǐ jiān fān dòng yǒng héng zì diǎn
指尖 翻动永恒字典

jiē kāi ràng wǒ xīn tiào de xuán niàn

xiào zhàn :

shùn jiān de tè bié shì ǒu rán de yù jiàn
瞬间的特别 是偶然的遇见

xiàng hū xī bù zhī bù jué

qiān zhe yī shuāng shǒu zài màn cháng de shí jiān
牵着一双手 在漫长的时间

dǐ guò rèn hé de yǔ yán
抵过 任何的语言

yáng zǐ :

shì jiè dà de yǒu xiàn
世界 大的有限

xiào zhàn :

yǒu wǒ zài nǐ shēn biān
有我 在你身边

hé :

hé nǐ bìng jiān chuān guò hēi yè dú dǒng míng tiān
和你并肩 穿过黑夜读懂明天

měi gè xīn yuàn yī qǐ shí xiàn

yáng zǐ :

yī rén de gū dān bèi nǐ nuǎn chéng yǒng gǎn
一人的孤单 被你暖成勇敢

wǒ zài huí yì lǐ jīng tàn

nǐ gěi de zuì cháng qíng de dá àn
你给的 最长情的答案

xiào zhàn :

jiǎn dān de làng màn shì wǒ ài de píng fán
简单的浪漫 是我爱的平凡

bù guò shì yòng yú shēng péi bàn
不过是 用余生陪伴

yáng zǐ :

zài rén shān rén hǎi yǒu nǐ wèi wǒ chēng sǎn
在人山人海 有你为我撑伞

xiào zhàn :

wǒ wèi nǐ chēng sǎn zuò nǐ tè bié de cún zài
我为你撑伞 做你特别的存在

yáng zǐ :

wèi wǒ zhē bì le fēng yǔ

nǐ de ài dài wǒ chuān guò yīn mái

xiào zhàn :

bié pà nǐ de wèi lái yǒu wǒ zài
别怕 你的未来有我在

yáng zǐ :

xún mì zhōng děng dài yī shēng yī rén de wèi lái
寻觅中等待 一生一人的未来

xiào zhàn :

děng yú shēng zhī ài bù zài rén hǎi pái huái
等余生之爱 不再人海徘徊

yáng zǐ :

shì shí guāng zuì hǎo de ān pái

xiào zhàn :

zuì hǎo de ān pái

hé :

shì ài

English (Machine Translation)

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Yang Zi:
Time has stopped everything
It turns out that there is something special in the crowd
Flip the eternal dictionary at your fingertips
Uncover the suspense that made my heart beat
Xiao Zhan:
The moment is especially the accidental encounter
Like breathing unconsciously
Holding one hand for a long time
Over any language
Yang Zi:
The world is big and limited
Xiao Zhan:
Have me by your side
Side by side with you, through the night to understand tomorrow
Realize each wish together
Yang Zi:
The loneliness of a person is warmed by you to be brave
I marveled in my memories
The most affectionate answer you gave
Xiao Zhan:
Simple romance is the ordinary I love
But to be with me for the rest of my life
Yang Zi:
In the sea of people, you hold an umbrella for me
Xiao Zhan:
I hold an umbrella for you, be your special existence
Yang Zi:
Sheltered me from wind and rain
Your love takes me through the haze
Xiao Zhan:
Don’t be afraid of me in your future
Yang Zi:
Looking for the future of one person in a lifetime
Xiao Zhan:
Waiting for the love of the rest of my life to stop wandering in the crowd
Yang Zi:
Is the best arrangement of time
Xiao Zhan:
Best arrangement
is love

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