
Song Title: 遗失的心跳 (Yíshī de xīntiào)
(lost heartbeat)
Singer: 苏星婕 (Sū xīngjié)
Release Date: 2022-09-17

Pinyin Lyrics

English Translation Click Here

huí yì shàng le fā tiáo

zǒng zhǔn shí bào dào

wǒ ràng rì yè diān dǎo

yīn wèi hēi yè tài nán áo

zǒng yǐ wéi kū guò jiù hǎo

mèng hé xiàn shí duì diào

chuān yuè le chéng shì de xuān nào

xīn tiào què gǎn yìng bú dào

yè tài shēn xīn tiào ne
夜太深 心跳呢

yǐ jīng yí shī le bú jiàn le
已经遗失了 不见了

ài shàng nǐ xīn tiào ne
爱上你 心跳呢

màn màn tíng zhǐ le bù ài le
慢慢 停止了 不爱了

nǐ jǐn jǐn yōng bào wǒ rù shuì

céng jīng shì yǒng héng de huà miàn

xīn tòng zhe nǐ de ài cán kù de jì niàn
心痛着 你的爱 残酷的纪念

sàn luò yī dì yōng bào

xiàng shì zài xuān gào

bù děng dá àn jiē xiǎo

wǒ xuǎn zé xiāo sǎ zǒu diào

bǎ jiā chóng xīn dǎ sǎo

yòng xiāng shuǐ wèi gài diào

dàn jì mò xiàng shì yī chǎng hǎi xiào

xīn tiào bèi tūn shì diào

yè tài shēn xīn tiào ne
夜太深 心跳呢

yǐ jīng yí shī le bú jiàn le
已经 遗失了 不见了

ài shàng nǐ xīn tiào ne
爱上你 心跳呢

màn màn tíng zhǐ le bù ài le
慢慢 停止了 不爱了

nǐ jǐn jǐn yōng bào wǒ rù shuì

céng jīng shì yǒng héng de huà miàn

xīn tòng zhe nǐ de ài
心痛着 你的爱

cán kù de jì niàn

nǐ de ài yǐ tíng zhǐ xīn tiào

jí jiù yě wú xiào

yuè ài yuè xiǎng táo pǎo

zì yóu shì nǐ wéi yī xiǎng yào

Say goodbye
Say goodbye

yè tài shēn xīn tiào ne
夜太深 心跳呢

yǐ jīng yí shī le bú jiàn le
已经 遗失了 不见了

ài shàng nǐ xīn tiào ne
爱上你 心跳呢

màn màn huàn shuí le xīn suì le
慢慢 换谁了 心碎了

English (Machine Translation)

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Memories wind up

Always arrive on time

I turn day and night upside down

Because the night is too hard

I always thought it was better to cry

dream and reality

through the hustle and bustle of the city

I can’t feel my heartbeat

The night is too deep, the heartbeat

has been lost

fall in love with your heartbeat

Slowly stop not loving

you hug me tightly and fall asleep

Once is the picture of eternity

Heartache your love cruel memorial

Hugs all over the place

as if declaring

Waiting for the answer to be revealed

I choose to walk away

clean the house

cover with perfume

But loneliness is like a tsunami

heartbeat is swallowed

The night is too deep, the heartbeat

has been lost

fall in love with your heartbeat

Slowly stop not loving

you hug me tightly and fall asleep

Once is the picture of eternity

heartache your love

cruel memorial

Your love has stopped beating

First aid doesn’t work

The more you love, the more you want to run away

freedom is all you want

Say goodbye

The night is too deep, the heartbeat

has been lost

fall in love with your heartbeat

Slowly, who changed, heartbroken

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