HSK 4 Storybook Vol 2 consists of 4 short stories written in Simplified Chinese and Pinyin with free audio files. The purpose of this book is to provide readers with reading materials to practice their reading skills as well as an introduction to more extended sentence structure and longer articles. The stories are based on everyday life and experience.
Each volume of HSK 4 Storybook has a portion of the vocabularies and Grammar Points in the HSK 4 Syllabus. If you finish all the 3 volumes of HSK 4 Storybook, you would have practised your reading skill on all the vocabularies and Grammar Points in the HSK 4 Syllabus.
As far as possible, I have restricted the vocabularies used in this book to HSK 1 to 4. Where it is not possible, I have introduced limited new words in the story. If you have learned all the Vocabulary from HSK 1 to 4 and completed the Standard Course Book for HSK 1 to 4 by Jiang Liping, you would be able to read about 95% of this book without learning new words.
Text to speech for this book has been enabled. You may also download the free audio files with the link and password provided on the last page.
Where to Buy:
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Paperback
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Google Books
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its really interesting, thank you