FREE HSK Vocabulary List and Audio

Below are links to printable pdf copy and free audio files of the HSK Word Lists. The HSK Word Lists are free supplementary materials for HSK Storybook Series. We have provided HSK 1 Word List and HSK 2 Word List below as free download for all.

HSK Vocabulary PDF Download

HSK Free Online Quiz and Tests

Below are free book samples for the relevant HSK Level storybooks.

HSK Storybook Series

HSK 1 Storybook Series
HSK 2 Storybook Series
HSK 3 Storybook Series
HSK 4 Storybook Series
HSK 5 Storybook Series
HSK 1 – 3 Practice Writing Sheet
HSK 4 – 6 Practice Writing Sheet

Chinese Sentence Structure – HSK Grammar Workbook

HSK Grammar Workbook

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