HSK 1 Vocabulary Word List with Audio

ài  to like, to love
bā  eight
爸爸bà bɑ  father
杯子bēi zi  cup, glass
北京běi jīnɡ Beijing, capital of China
běn  a measure word for books
bú  no, not
不客气bú kè qi  you are welcome, don’t mention it
cài  dish, cuisine
chá  tea
chī  to eat
出租车chū zū chē  taxi, cab
打电话dǎ diàn huà to make a phone call
dà  big, old (age)
de  used after an attribute
diǎn  o’clock
电脑diàn nǎo  computer
电视diàn shì  television
电影diàn yǐnɡ  film, movie
东西dōnɡ xi thing, stuff
dōu both, all
dú  to read
对不起duì bù qǐ to be sorry
duō  indicating degree or extent
多少duō shǎo  how many, how much
儿子ér zi  son
èr  two
饭店/fàn diàn / fàn guǎnrestaurant
飞机fēi jī  plane
分钟fēn zhōnɡ  minute
高兴ɡāo xìnɡ  glad, happy
ɡè  a general measure word
工作ɡōnɡ zuò  to work, job
ɡǒu dog
汉语hàn yǔ  Chinese (language)
hǎo  good, fine
hào (for date and month) number
hē  to drink
hé and
hěn  very, quite
后面hòu miɑn  back
huí  to come/go back, to return
huì  can, to be able to
jǐ  how many
jiā  family, home
jiào  to call, to be called
今天jīn tiān  today
jiǔ  nine
kāi  open, to drive
kàn to look at, to watch, to read
看见kàn jiàn  to see
kuài a unit of money, same as yuan
lái  to come
老师lǎo shī  teacher
le  used at the end or in the middle of a sentence to indicate a change or a new circumstance
lěnɡ  cold
lǐ inner, inside, interior
liù  six
妈妈mā mɑ  mother
mɑ  used at the end of a question
mǎi  to buy, to purchase
māo cat, kitten
没关系méi ɡuān xi that’s ok, it doesn’t matter
没有méi yǒu there is not
米饭mǐ fàn  cooked rice
名字mínɡ zi  name
明天mínɡ tiān  tomorrow
nǎ  which
哪儿nǎ ér where
nà that
ne used at the end of a question
nénɡ can, may
nǐ  you (singular)
nián  year
女儿nǚ ér  daughter
朋友pénɡ you  friend
漂亮piào liɑnɡ beautiful, pretty
苹果pínɡ ɡuǒ  apple
qī  seven
前面qián miɑn  front
qián  money
qǐnɡ please
qù  to go
rè  hot
rén  human, person
认识rèn shí to meet, to know
sān  three
商店shānɡ diàn  shop, store
shànɡ  up, above
上午shànɡ wǔ  morning, before noon
shǎo  little, few
shuí who, whom
什么shén me  what
shí  ten
时候shí hou time, moment
shì to be, yes
shū  book
shuǐ  water
水果shuí ɡuǒ  fruit
睡觉shuì jiào  to sleep
shuō to speak, to say
sì  four
suì  year (of age)
tā  he, him
tā she, her
tài  too, excessively
天气tiān qì  weather
tīnɡ  to listen
同学tónɡ xué  classmate
wèi  hey, hello
wǒ  I, me
我们wǒ men  we, us
wǔ  five
喜欢xǐ huɑn  to like, to be fond of
xià  under, below
下午xià wǔ  afternoon
下雨xià yǔ to rain
先生xiān shenɡ  Mr., Sir
现在xiàn zài  now
xiǎnɡ  to want, would like
xiǎo  small, little
小姐xiáo jiě Miss, young lady
xiē  some, a few
xiě  to write
谢谢xiè xiè  to thank
星期xīnɡ qī  week
学生xué shenɡ  student
学习xué xí  to study, to learn
学校xué xiào  school
yī  one
一点儿yì dián ér a few, a little
衣服yī fu  clothes
医生yī shenɡ  doctor
医院yī yuàn  hospital
椅子yǐ zi chair
yǒu to have, there be
yuè  month
再见zài jiàn to see you again, goodbye
zài to be in/on/at; in/on/at
怎么zěn me  how
怎么样zěn me yànɡ how
zhè this
中国zhōnɡ ɡuó  China
中午zhōnɡ wǔ  noon
zhù  to live, to stay
桌子zhuō zi  desk, table
zì  character, word
昨天zuó tiān  yesterday
zuò  to sit, to be seated
zuò  to make, to produce

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